Below you will see my research products as they are listed in my CV. The only difference here is that most of my project have links to open access prints/pre-prints and links to the data and code where applicable. Co-authors marked with * indicate mentees.
Academic Publications
*Mentored student
West, S. J. (2025). Applying data science to the study of gun violence. In Handbook of Gun Violence (pp. 497-508). Academic Press.
West, S. J. & Thomson, N. D. (2024). Clarifying the relationship between trait aggression and self-control using random item slope regression. in press at Journal of Personality. Preprint; OSF Project page.
Perrin, P. B., West, S. J., Klyce, D. W., Clark, S. W., Vargas, T. A., Gates, A. J., Henry, T. R., Dini, M. E., Agtarap, S. D., Eagye, C. B., Finn, J. A., Juengst, S. B., Dams-O’Connor, K., & Bombardier, C. H. (2024). Psychometric network analysis in rehabilitation research: A methodological demonstration in depression symptoms of veterans and service members at 1 and 2 years after TBI. in press at Rehabilitation Psychology.
Rahrig, H., Ma, L., Brown, K. W., Martelli, A. M., West, S. J., Lasko, E. N., & Chester, D. S. (2023). Inside the mindful moment: The effects of brief mindfulness practice on large-scale network organization and intimate partner aggression. Cognitive, Affective, & Behavioral Neuroscience, 23(6), 1581-1597.​
West, S. J., Wood, A. M., Aboutanos, M. B., & Thomson, N. D. (2023). Exploring changes in violence across two waves of the COVID-19 pandemic in Richmond, VA. Aggressive Behavior, 49(6), 559-567. Open Access PDF.
West, S. J., & Thomson, N. D. (2023). Exploring personal crises observed in mass shooters as targets for detection and intervention using psychometric network analysis. Psychology of Violence, 13(5). Preprint; OSF Project page.
Hyatt, C. S., Lynam, D. R., West, S. J., Chester, D. S., Carter, N. T., & Miller, J. D. (2023). Development of a measure of aggressive behavior expectancies in adults: The Aggression Expectancy Questionnaire. Aggressive Behavior, 49(5), 521-535.
West, S. J., Psederska, E., Bozgunov, K., Nedelchev, D., Vasilev, G., Thomson, N. D., & Vassileva, J. (2023). Identifying distinct profiles of impulsivity for the four facets of psychopathy. PLOS one, 18(4), e0283866. Preprint; OSF Project page.
West, S. J., & Thomson, N. D. (2022). Identifying the Emotions Behind Apologies for Severe Transgressions. Motivation and Emotion, 47(2). Preprint; OSF project page.
West, S. J., Bishop, D., Chapman, D. A., & Thomson, N. D. (2022). Comparing Forms of Neighborhood Instability as Predictors of Violence in Richmond, VA. PLOS one, 17(9), e0273718. Preprint; OSF project page.
Lasko, E. N., Dagher, A. C., West, S. J., & Chester, D. S. (2022). Neural Mechanisms of Intergroup Exclusion and Retaliatory Aggression. Social Neuroscience, 17(4). Pre-print; OSF project page.
West, S. J., Lasko, E. N., Hall, C.J., *Khan, N.G., & Chester, D. S. (2022). Some revenge now or more later? Applying an intertemporal framework to retaliatory aggression. Motivation Science, 8(1), 1-33. Pre-print; OSF project page.
West, S. J., Psederska, E., Vasilev, G., Stefanova, S., Bozgunov, K., Nedelchev, D., Vassileva, J., Thomson, N. D. (2022). Comparing psychopathy across measurement modalities. Personality Disorders: Theory, Research, and Treatment, 14(3), 274-286. Pre-print; OSF project page.
West, S. J., & Chester, D. S. (2021). The tangled webs we wreak: Examining the structure of aggressive personality using psychometric networks. In press at the Journal of Personality, Pre-print; OSF project page.
Klyce, D. W., West, S. J., Perrin, P. B., Agtarap, S. D., Finn, J. A., Juengst, S. B., Dams-O'Connor, K., Eagye, C. B., Vargas, T. A., Chung, J. S., & Bombardier, C. H. (2021). Network analysis of neurobehavioral and posttraumatic stress disorder symptoms one year after traumatic brain injury: A veteran's affairs TBI model systems study. Journal of Neurotrauma. Pre-print; OSF project page.
West, S. J., Hyatt, C., Miller, J. D., & Chester, D. S. (2020). p-Curve analysis of the Taylor Aggression Paradigm: Estimating evidentiary value and statistical power across 50 years of research. Aggressive Behavior. Pre-print; OSF project page.
Chester, D. S., & West, S. J. (2020). Trait Aggression is Primarily a Facet of Antagonism: Evidence from Dominance, Latent Correlational, and Item-Level Analyses. Journal of Research in Personality, 104042. Pre-print; OSF project page.
Chester, D. S., Martelli, A. M., West, S. J., Lasko, E. N., Brosnan, P. G., Makhanova, A., Meltzer, A. L., & McNulty, J. K. (2021). Neural Mechanisms of Intimate Partner Aggression. Biological Psychology. Pre-print; OSF project page.
Hyatt, C. S., Crowe, M. L., West, S. J., Vize, C. E., Carter, N. T., Chester, D. S., & Miller, J. D. (2021). An empirically based power primer for laboratory aggression research. Aggressive Behavior, 48(3). Pre-print; OSF project page.
Lasko, E. N., Chester, D. S., Martelli, A. M., West, S. J. & DeWall, N. C. (2019). An Investigation of the Relationship Between Psychopathy and Greater Gray Matter Density in Lateral Prefrontal Cortex, Personality Neuroscience, 2, 1-10.
Thomson, N. D., Kevorkian, S., Blair, J., Farrell, A., West S. J., & Bjork, J. M. (2021). Psychophysiological underpinnings of proactive and reactive aggression in young men and women. Physiology and Behavior, 242(1), 113601.
Chester, D.S., Bell, S. B., DeWall, N.C., West, S. J., Romero-Lopez, M., & Craig, A. (2019). Neural correlates of intertemporal choice in aggressive behavior. Aggressive Behavior, 45(5), 507-516.
Conference Presentations
Individual Talks & Symposia
Agtarap, S., Klyce, D., Finn, J., & West, S. J. (2021, September). Measurement and approaches to understanding the associations between post-concussive and posttraumatic stress/psychological distress symptomology. Presented to the 98th Annual Conference of the American Congress of Rehabilitative Medicine Online Conference.
West, S. J., Lasko, E. N., Hall, C. J., & Chester, D. S (2019, October). Worth the wait: Applying an intertemporal framework to retaliatory aggression. Presented at the 40th annual meeting of the Southeastern Society of Social Psychologists, Johnson City, Tennessee.
West, S. J., & Chester, D. S. (2018, October). The big payback: Introducing the intertemporal aggression paradigm (ITAP). Presented at the 39th annual meeting of the Southeastern Society of Social Psychologists, Raleigh, North Carolina.
West, S. J., Pond, R. S., Jr., Taggart, R. S., & Terrizzi, J. A., Jr. (2016, November). Grossed out: Disgust promotes behavioral avoidance tendencies in the presence of aggressive stimuli. Study presented at the 38th annual meeting of the Southeastern Society of Social Psychologists, Asheville, North Carolina.
*Mentored student, **Did not attend due to COVID-19
West, S. J., Thomson, N. D., & Vassileva, J. (2022, February). Eye of the Beholder: Interview-based and Self-report Measures of Psychopathy Yield Different Dynamic Systems. Presented at the 23rd annual meeting of the Society for Personality and Social Psychology (Online).
*Vargas, T.A., *Vriesman, M., West, S. J., Klyce, D.W., Perrin, P.B. (2022, February). Veteran and Service Member Participation 1 and 2 Years after TBI: A Psychometric Network Analysis. Poster Session at the annual meeting of the Division of Rehabilitation Psychology (APA Division 22), Louisville, Kentucky.
*Khan, N. G., *Irwin, M., *Russel, N., West, S. J., & Chester, D.S. (2021, July). Psychopathy and status: Examining distinct patterns of associations among the factors of psychopathy and facets of conscientiousness. Presented at the 7th biennial meeting of the Association for Research in Personality (Online Conference).
West, S. J. & Chester, D. S. (2021, February). Finding the rotten core: A network analysis of antagonistic traits and the big five. 22nd annual meeting of the Society for Personality and Social Psychology Conference Online.
**West, S. J., Lasko, E. N., Hall, C. J., & Chester, D. S. (2020, April). Worth the wait: Validation of the Aggression Choice Questionnaire. 23rd Annual Research Symposium and Exhibit, Virginia Commonwealth University.
West, S. J., Lasko, E. N., Hall, C. J., & Chester, D. S. (2020, February). Worth the wait: Validation of the Aggression Choice Questionnaire. 21st annual meeting of the Society for Personality and Social Psychology Conference in New Orleans, LA.
West, S. J., Lasko, E. N., & Chester, D. S. (2019, April). Irritated and impatient: Further evidence for the Intertemporal Aggression Paradigm. 22nd Annual Research Symposium and Exhibit, Virginia Commonwealth University.
*Agrawal, A., West, S. J., & Chester, D. S. (2019, April). How I See It: Perceptions of One’s Own Status Demonstrates Greater Predictive Validity Over Objective SES Regarding Aggression. 22nd Annual Research Symposium and Exhibit, Virginia Commonwealth University.
*Hawa, N., West, S. J., & Chester, D. S. (2019, April). Who Do You Think You Are? Self-Perceptions of Status Moderates the Relationship Between Intergroup Rejection and Aggressive Behavior. 22nd Annual Research Symposium and Exhibit, Virginia Commonwealth University.
*Mitchell, A., West, S. J., & Chester, D. S. (2019, April). Cold As Ice: Dehumanization Promotes the Relationship between Rejection and Vengeful Pleasure. 22nd Annual Research Symposium and Exhibit, Virginia Commonwealth University.
*Strohman, V., West, S. J., & Chester, D. S. (2018, October). The Dark Spiral: Sensation-Seeking Moderates the Relationship Between Angry Rumination and Sadism. 39th annual meeting of the Southeastern Society of Social Psychologists, Raleigh, NC.
*Manglona, A. V., West, S. J., & Chester, D. S. (2018, April), Trait Aggression Mediates Gender Differences in Machiavellianism. 21st Annual Research Symposium and Exhibit, Virginia Commonwealth University, Richmond,VA.
*Torrico-Achaval, C. M., West, S. J., & Chester, D. S. (2018, April), Playing Dirty: Sadism Moderates the Relationship Between Status Consciousness and Machiavellianism. 21st Annual Research Symposium and Exhibit, Virginia Commonwealth University, Richmond, VA.
West, S. J., Chester, D. S., DeWall, N. C., Bell, S. B., Romero-Lopez, M., & Craig, A. (2018, March). Just you wait: Validation of the intertemporal aggression paradigm (ITAP). 19th annual meeting of the Society for Personality and Social Psychology Conference in Atlanta, GA.
West, S. J., Chester, D.S., DeWall, N.C., Bell, S. B., Romero-Lopez, M., Craig, A. (2018, April). Just You Wait: Validation of the Intertemporal Aggression Paradigm (ITAP). 21st Annual Research Symposium and Exhibit, Virginia Commonwealth University.
West, S. J., Pond, R. S., Jr., Taggart, R. S., & Terrizzi, J. A., Jr. (2017, January). Totally disgusted: Evoking disgust encourages behavioral avoidance in the presence of aggressive stimuli. 18th annual Meeting of the Society for Personality and Social Psychology, San Antonio, Texas.
West, S. J., Pond, R. S., Jr., Taggart, R. S., & Terrizzi, J. A., Jr. (2016, July). Grossed out: Disgust promotes behavioral avoidance tendencies in the presence of aggressive stimuli. XXIInd World Meeting of the International Society for Research on Aggression, Sydney, Australia.
West, S. J., Pond, R. S., Jr., & Dark-Freudman, A. (2015, October). Contemplating exclusion: Rumination mediates the influence of ostracism on depression and self-concept in the elderly. 37th annual Society of Southeastern Social Psychologists (SSSP) Conference, Winston-Salem, NC.
West, S. J., Leschak, C., McPherson, J., & Tindal P. (2014, October). Knock it off! Effects of gender on perceptions of sexual harassment. 36th Annual Society of Southeastern Social Psychologists (SSSP) Conference, Athens, GA.
West, S. J., Fanous, M., Garand, R., & Pond, R.S., Jr. (2014, April). Control yourself: Self-control mediates the relationship between alexithymia and trait aggression. 2014 Spring North Carolina Psychological Foundation (NCPF) Conference, Charlotte, NC.